The Ministry of Industry, Tourism, Innovation, Transport and Commerce of the Government of Cantabria has granted aid of 160,000 euros to Canteras de Santander, S.A. (CANDESA) for the installation of a new limestone aggregate crushing, classification and ensiling line at the CANDESA Group facilities in Herrera de Camargo.

Candesa has projected an investment of more than 910,000 euros in order to achieve an increase in the production of aggregates in the second stage of the production process, known as secondary crushing, to correct “deficiencies in the current facilities in terms of operability, productivity and efficiency ”, as well as greater energy efficiency.

The objective of the project is to increase productivity, increase energy efficiency, commercialize a new product, improve the quality and traceability of the process and increase safety at work.

The regional government contributes to this investment with an aid of 17.8% of the total eligible under the CRECE 2 aid line (Industrial growth for industrial companies). This call has a three million budget and will mobilize an investment of about 13 million euros in the modernization of production processes by 43 Cantabrian industries.

CANDESA for 60 years has developed a process of continuous growth. Currently the group has six active quarries and five own concrete production centers in Cantabria, Asturias and Castilla y León.